Leaving tufts of yarn that stand straight up, the cut pile has the loop cut at the top. Looped pile is normally not more durable than cut pile. Cut piles come in many styles, such as shag, textured, saxony, and elvet. Loop pile is an excellent choice for high traffic areas.
The cost is one of the factors when choosing carpet for home. Most of us can't afford wool even though there is nothing more luxurious than having wool carpeting in your home. It will prove to be far more superior to any other type of home carpeting if you are able to afford wool carpeting you'll find that even though it costs more to install.
Wool is very similar to acrylic carpeting, and sometimes referred to as man made wool. Although it isn't recommended for high traffic areas, wool is resistant to moisture, fading, mildew, crushing, and staining. Nylon is recommended for high traffic areas, it is also popular carpeting. Although it is still cheaper than wool, nylon is one of the most expensive types of synthetic fibers.
Often used for indoor or outdoor carpeting, olefin is a very easy to clean, low cost carpet material and it is also colorfast and strong. Olefin can easily be crushed; it’s one of the draw backs to it. The color and patterns of the carpet is another consideration you'll have. Making the room appear to be larger Light carpeting colors help to create a spacious effect.
Dark colors may be your best bet if you have pets around the house or little kids. Dark colors are great for those interested in style; there are many different varieties of dark colors. As they don't show soiled areas near as much as light colored carpets, dark colors are ideal for stains or pets. Select a dark color would be easier and also smarter for you.
Home Carpet is available in many different colors, styles, textures and fiber, etc. The loop pile and cut pile are the most popular choice in recent days; different varieties of carpets are available in market, so you can select as per your desire and budget.